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Quantum Gas and Quantum Optics » Publications » Resonator-assisted single molecule quantum state detection

Resonator-assisted single molecule quantum state detection

Authors: Ming Zhu, Yan-Cheng Wei, Chen-Lung Hung
Journal Ref: arXiv:2007.04498 (2020); Phys. Rev. A 102, 023716 (2020).

We propose a state-sensitive scheme to optically detect a single molecule without a closed transition, through strong coupling to a high-Q whispering-gallery mode high-Q resonator. A background-free signal can be obtained by detecting a molecule-induced transparency in a photon bus waveguide that is critically coupled to the resonator, with a suppressed depumping rate to other molecular states by the cooperativity parameter . We numerically calculate the dynamics of the molecule-resonator coupled system using Lindblad master equations, and develop analytical solutions through the evolution of quasi-steady states in the weak-driving regime. Using Rb triplet ground state molecules as an example, we show that high fidelity state readout can be achieved using realistic resonator parameters. We further discuss the case of multiple molecules collectively coupled to a resonator, demonstrating near-unity detection fidelity and negligible population loss.