Purdue University
Ultracold Atoms and Nanophotonics » Publications » Colloquium: Quantum matter built from nanoscopic lattices of atoms and photons

Colloquium: Quantum matter built from nanoscopic lattices of atoms and photons

Authors: D. E. Chang, J. S. Douglas, A. González-Tudela, C.-L. Hung, HJ Kimble
Journal Ref: Reviews of Modern Physics 90 (3), 031002 (2018).

This Colloquium describes a new paradigm for creating strong quantum interactions of light and matter by way of single atoms and photons in nanoscopic lattices. Beyond the possibilities for quantitative improvements for familiar phenomena in atomic physics and quantum optics, there is a growing research community that is exploring novel quantum phases and phenomena that arise from atom-photon interactions in one- and two-dimensional nanophotonic lattices. Nanophotonic structures offer the intriguing possibility to control atom-photon interactions by engineering the medium properties through which they interact. An important aspect of these new research lines is that they have become possible only by pushing the state-of-the-art capabilities in nanophotonic device fabrication and by the integration of these capabilities into the realm of ultracold atoms. This Colloquium attempts to inform a broad physics community of the emerging opportunities in this new field on both theoretical and experimental fronts. The research is inherently multidisciplinary, spanning the fields of nanophotonics, atomic physics, quantum optics, and condensed matter physics.